Thursday 5 January 2012

4th January - New Year's Purge

It may be too early for spring cleaning, but it's never too early to have a big bonfire of all the old crap which had been cluttering up your life! Em’s been on at me for months or possibly years (it's been so long I can't quite remember) to sort out the outer extremities of the garden, a belt of dumped cookers, bags of scrap, old fencing, roofing sheets, general rubbish etc etc which gives the place a distinctly traveller-esque feel. It's my own fault.  I am a great gatherer of things which are being thrown out and in fairness I often put them to good use, but tidying up has never been my forte. All that changed today though and every bit of flammable rubbish and detritus was rounded up without mercy and burnt on a huge pyre which raged long into the night, and I must admit it felt good!

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