Tuesday 18 October 2011

First Blog

I suppose this is where I set out my stall, get people interested, set the scene. The temptation is to pour out 30 years of back history, wax lyrical about a rural upbringing, flash the earthy credentials of a life spent out of doors, then sucker punch with my alter ego - the classically trained singer. That all sounds a bit serious though (and like a hell of a lot of writing) so I suppose I shall just get stuck in and if I keep writing and you keep reading it will all come out in the end.

Long intro deftly sidestepped, what is my blog about? In short: rural life and the endeavours of a committed countryman. Expect self-sufficiency, homage to the natural world, cooking, field sports, Morris dancing (always popular), music in the provinces, hatching, nurturing, growing, slaughtering, brewing, drinking and so the list goes on interminably. Basically I spend most of my time outside doing all manner of things - my days are full to the brim and yet when I am faced with the ultimate small-talk question… “So, what do you do?” …I never quite know what to say.  Now I can direct them to my blog and slip away as they consider whether or not I was joking.  

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